Afreedoms given the particularities of the case the importance of the information or evidence to be obtained or the seriousness of the crime the evidence could not be obtained in any other way or obtaining it would involve special difficulties that would prejudice the investigation or there is a danger for the safety of people or valuable goods. Recordings made by parties or other persons constitute evidence when looking at their own conversations or communications they had with third parties. Any other records may constitute evidence unless prohibited by law. What are the offenses for which technical surveillance can be ordered crimes against national security drug trafficking.
Carrying out illegal operations with precursors or other Country Email List products likely to have psychoactive effects crimes regarding noncompliance with the arms ammunition nuclear materials and explosives regime trafficking and exploitation of vulnerable people acts of terrorism crimes of money laundering forgery of coins stamps or other values forgery of electronic payment instruments crimes committed through computer systems or electronic means of communication crimes against patrimony blackmail crimes crimes of rape illegal deprivation of liberty tax evasion corruption crimes and those assimilated to corruption crimes crimes against the financial interests of the.
European Union other crimes for which the law provides a prison sentence of years or more. What is the duration for which technical supervision can be ordered Technical supervision can be ordered during the criminal investigation for of the prosecutor by the judge of rights and liberties from the court that would have jurisdiction to judge the case at first instance or from the corresponding court in the degree of the one in whose district the headquarters of the prosecutors office is located of which the prosecutor who made the request is a member. The measure of.